QIP Instruction for Reporting Generation into the NYGATS
The QIP will report monthly generation using Comma-Separated Value (CSV) or Notepad (TXT) formatted files.
QIP Upload Templates and Examples
- Qualified Independent Party Data File Template (NYGATS Projects) [TXT]
- Qualified Independent Party Data File Template (Import Projects) [TXT]
The fields for the generation file are as follows:
- The NYGATS ID Number is assigned to the project by NYGATS after the project registration is submitted by the Account Holder.
- NOTE: Do not include the Project Type Prefix that precedes the ID (i.e GEN, AGG, IMP)
- QIP ID -
- QIP assigned ID. Must be unique for each Project
- Vintage -
- Month and year of generation
- Formatted as MM/YYYY.
- NOTE: If using Excel, MM/YYYY cells will be reformatted each time the file is opened. The cell format will need to be adjusted back to MM/YYYY every time the file is opened
- Begin Date -
- The Begin date is formatted month-day-year of generation. This is the first day of the reporting month
- EndDate -
- The End date is formatted month-day-year of generation. This is the last day of the reporting month.
- Total MWh -
- Total Monthly Generation (MWh) for the Reporting Month
Note - A QIP can only load data for projects that have designated the QIP in the project registration with a QIP ID assigned by the QIP account manager.
Steps to Upload File
From the QIP account's Meter Data Loading module, select the vintage year from the Year drop-down and identify whether the data being loaded is Current Period Generation or a Prior Period Adjustment:
- Generation - Current Period Generation (No previously loaded generation)
- Adjustment - Prior Period Adjustment (Generation data had been loaded and had resulted in certificates issued)
Select the “Choose File” button to display a pop-up screen where the data file can be selected. After selecting a file, the user selects the “Upload ” button to upload the generation data for the project.
Before posting the output to the NYGATS database, the system validates the uploaded data and checks for operational feasibility. When all validations are successfully completed, the data is loaded into the database, written to the Generation Activity Log and ready to be used for certificate issuance.
Designating a QIP to Report Data into the NYGATS
A QIP will be assigned during Project Registration by the Account Holder. The QIP must provide the account holder with a unique QIP ID number for every project they report generation for.
Note - The list of projects assigned to the QIP can be located in the QIP's Meter Data Loading Module
The QIP is responsible for verifying the generation information that will be reported for each Project. The QIP Account cannot hold Certificates.
Meter Data Requirements
Reported generation data must be financial settlement quality data from revenue quality meters which would include ANSI-C12.20 compliant meters. Generation data from the meter must be collected by the QIP via direct physical read or directly transmitted to the QIP by digital machine-to-machine transmissions, such as telemetry or internet connection.
Please review Section 5 of the NYGATS Operating Rules for more information for Revenue Metering Standards
Source of Meter data in the NYGATS
Meter Data is entered into the NYGATS as an upload or directly through the NYGATS User Interface (UI).
Sources of Meter data in the NYGATS include a QIP, Self Reporting, or NYISO.
Additional and Related Resources
Qualified Independent Party Guidelines - NYSERDA QIP Requirments containing detailed guidelines
Qualified Independent Party (QIP) Guidelines and Information - User Training and background for QIPs