An aggregation is a NYGATS Project representing multiple small generators that are not metered together and do not share the same location but that are located in New York.
This group of small NY Generators can be registered in the NYGATS as an Aggregated Project if the following conditions are met:
- The Nameplate Capacity of each Generating Unit is no more than 200 kW
- The Generating Units being aggregated are located in New York State
- The Generating Units being aggregated utilize the same technology/fuel type
- The aggregated Nameplate Capacity is no more than 1 MW
- All Aggregated Projects must use a QIP to report generation data
Note - Aggregated projects can be registered by the mutual owner or by a Generator Agent
To register an Aggregated project into the NYGATS, an approved Account Holder must complete the following steps:
1. Select 'Register New Operational Project' hyperlink at the bottom of the Project Management module on your dashboard
2. After selecting the ‘Register New Project’ link located in the Project Management module, select the Project Type:
- Generating Unit Project
- Aggregated Project
Note - Selecting the ‘Aggregated Project’ radio button will deactivate certain fields that will be entered into the ‘Aggregated Generators Registration Information’ screen on the second page of the registration.
3. Populate all required project information on the first page.
4. Enter each Generating Unit represented by the Aggregated Project registration one at a time on the second page of the registration or using a CSV file.
Note - A CSV template is available on the NYGATS Informational website located with the other NYGATS documentation.
5. Finish inputting all required project information and submit a project to finish the initial registration.
Note - Once the Aggregated Project is submitted, it will be set to a Pending Status
6. The next step is to upload the following documentation through the Documents/Attestations column on the Project Management Module:
- Designation of Responsible Party – for each project represented in the registration to authorize the right to register the project if the project is not owned by the Account Holder registering the project
- Documentation to verify Nameplate Capacity, In-service Date/Commercial Operation Date and fuel type (i.e. Interconnection Agreement, Contract, PPA)
The project will then be reviewed by the NYGATS Administrator.
For more information on Registering NYGATS projects, please visit the NYSERDA training guide for Registering a project or facility (Link Here)